O fóssil “Lúcio” à esquerda e um fóssil “Lucy” à direita. Notem os pélvis diferentes.
Alguém viu se a Grande Mídia tupiniquim deu o devido destaque a esta pesquisa? Não deu para não ler na Folha de São Paulo? Eu não vi. Então Claudio Angelo, desculpe se o meu estilo é confuso, mas nós somos obrigados a destacar aqui, e demonstrar mais uma vez que o “contraditório” nunca será ali publicado. Especialmente se melindrar o dogma, oops a teoria geral da evolução de Darwin. Habemus Darwin. Darwin locuta, causa finita. As evidências? Ora, que se danem as evidências. O que vale é a teoria... A evolução é mais sábia do que você, idiota! [Qual foi mesmo o darwinista que afirmou isso? Alguém me ajude localizar mais esta pérola].
Como eu sou iconoclasta, e os ídolos foram feitos para destruição, publico com prazer o texto do Dave Scot, e a notícia do Jerusalém Post em inglês. Sorry, periferia!
[1] HÄUSLER, M. e P. Schmidt. “Comparison of the pelvis of Sts 14 and AL 288288-1: implications for birth and sexual dimorphism in australopithecines”, Journal of Human Evolution 29:363-83, 1995; SHREEVE, J. “Sexing fossils: a boy named Lucy”. Science 270:1297-1298, 1995.
O ícone da evolução “Lucy” caiu por terra
26 de abril de 2007
Outro ícone da evolução, o fóssil de fama mundial “Lucy”, descobriu-se que não faz parte de jeito nenhum da linhagem humana moderna. A parte interessante disso é que é extremamente digno de ser noticiado, mas porque lança luz não muito lisonjeira sobre muitos cientistas que, acriticamente parece, colocaram Lucy na linhagem humana moderna de descendência, você não verá isso amplamente reportado a não ser nos blogs e websites que negam a Darwin. Esta estratégia é comum [SIC ULTRA PLUS 1] quando erros embaraçosos são descobertos no dogma evolutivo amplamente aceito. Fiquem de bicos calados [SIC ULTRA PLUS 2] e deixe que as notícias embaraçosas se tornem conhecimento comum após um longo período de tempo. Os embriões de Haeckel são um bom exemplo disso. [SIC ULTRA PLUS 3 − Esta fraude centenária ainda continua em nossos livros didáticos de Biologia do ensino médio? Alô MEC/SEMTEC/PNLEM vocês não podem compactuar com isso, pois já foram alertados sobre este ilícito pedagógico]
Apr. 16, 2007 0:21 | Updated Apr. 16, 2007 15:39
Israeli researchers: ‘Lucy’ is not direct ancestor of humans
Tel Aviv University anthropologists say they have disproven the theory that “Lucy” - the world-famous 3.2-million-year-old Australopithecus afarensis skeleton found in Ethiopia 33 years ago - is the last ancestor common to humans and another branch of the great apes family known as the “Robust hominids.”
The specific structure found in Lucy also appears in a species called Australopithecus robustus. Prof. Yoel Rak and colleagues at the Sackler School of Medicine’s department of anatomy and anthropology wrote, “The presence of the morphology in both the latter and Australopithecus afarensis and its absence in modern humans cast doubt on the role of [Lucy] as a common ancestor.”
The robust hominids were discovered in southern Africa 69 years ago and are believed to have lived between 2 million and 1.2 million years ago. Their jaws and jaw muscles were adapted to the dry environment in which they lived.
Rak and colleagues studied 146 mature primate bone specimens, including those from modern humans, gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans and found that the “ramus element” of the mandible connecting the lower jaw to the skull is like that of the robust forms, therefore eliminating the possibility that Lucy and her kind are Man’s direct ancestors. They should therefore, the Israeli researchers said, “be placed as the beginning of the branch that evolved in parallel to ours.”
Their research has just been published in the on-line edition of PNAS, the Proceedings of the [US] National Academy of Sciences.
Lucy, which means “you are wonderful” in Amharic, was discovered (40 percent of its skeleton) by the International Afar Research Expedition in Ethiopia’s Awash Valley. Fitting the bones together, they said it was an upright walking hominid (Homo sapiens, which comprises modern Man and extinct manlike species). They later found its jaws and additional bones.
Further analysis led the Afar researchers to believe it was of a female, and the skeleton listed as AL 288-1 was nicknamed Lucy because the Beatles’ song “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds” was often played at the camp.
The specimen was only 1.1 meters tall, estimated to weigh 29 kilograms and look somewhat like a common chimpanzee. Although it had a small brain, the pelvis and leg bones were almost identical in function with those of modern humans, proving that these hominids had walked erect.
Although fossils closer to chimpanzees have been found since then, Lucy - which is housed in the national museum in Addis Ababa - is prized by anthropologists who study Man’s origin.
Rak and his colleagues also wrote that the structure of Lucy’s mandibular ramus closely matches that of gorillas, which was “unexpected” because chimpanzees are the closest living relatives of humans, and not gorillas.