Climategate: Camille Paglia chama os intelectuais de covardes

domingo, dezembro 06, 2009

Hanson para Camille Paglia

"I too grew up in upstate New York. I am an environmental groundwater geologist (who almost majored in fine arts). Your take on the Al Gore/global warming pseudo-catastrophe was right on target. Anyone can read up on Holocene geology and see that climate changes are caused by polar wandering and magnetic reversals. It is entertaining, yet sad to read bloviage from Leonardo DiCaprio, who is so self-centered that he thinks the earth's history and climate is a function of his short personal stay on this planet. Still he, Al Gore, Prince Charles and so on, ad nauseam, continue with their jet-set lifestyles. What hypocrisy!"

Camille Paglia para Hanson:


Thank you for your input on the mass hysteria over global warming. The simplest facts about geology seem to be missing from the mental equipment of many highly educated people these days. There is far too much credulity placed in fancy-pants, speculative computer modeling about future climate change. Furthermore, hand-wringing media reports about hotter temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere are rarely balanced by acknowledgment of the recent cold waves in South Africa and Australia, the most severe in 30 years.

Where are the intellectuals in this massive attack of groupthink? Inert, passive and cowardly, the lot of them. True intellectuals would be alarmed and repelled by the heavy fog of dogma that now hangs over the debate about climate change. More skeptical voices need to be heard. Why are liberals abandoning this issue to the right wing, which is successfully using it to contrast conservative rationality with liberal emotionalism? The environmental movement, whose roots are in nature-worshipping Romanticism, is vitally important to humanity, but it can only be undermined by rampant propaganda and half-truths.

Caracas, mano! Uma intelectual feminista tem mais 'cojones' de falar sobre o Climategate e o que deve ser feito, do que os intelectuais machos [pero no mucho!]. Falta 'cojones', mas não é somente entre os intelectuais, é também entre os cientistas para romperem com paradigmas que a ciência teima em não corroborar.

A defesa do aquecimetno global antropogenicamente provocado é defendido com unhas e dentes pelo Politburo da Nomenklatura científica, e aí de quem mijar fora do caco de Al 'Apocalipse' Gore.

Ué, parece que eu já vi este tipo de comportamento em relação a um paradigma... Gente, eu acho que vocês são telepatas, como é que vocês sabem que estou falando do darwinismo que, apesar de seus estertores epistêmico, a tropa de choque da Nomenklatura científica (mais a GMI e a GMT) defende com unhas e dentes, e aí de quem mijar fora do pinico, oops, do caco de Darwin...