São questões assim que nossos alunos de Biologia do ensino médio e superior precisam e devem levantar em salas de aulas de ciência.
Fui, nem sei por que, pensando no vídeo dos Simpsons sobre como se deu a evolução da vida aquático-terrestre e na recente reunião de cientistas e teólogos na Universidade Gregoriana em Roma, onde os criacionistas e o teóricos do Design Inteligente foram criticados, mas não foram convidados para exporem suas posições.
1. I. L. Cohen, Darwin Was Wrong - A Study in Probabilities, New York, New Research Publications, Inc., 1984, p.67-68.
“Let's analyze this oft-repeated gem of “scientific” logic. How a fish with gills survived the first twenty minutes on dry land is unknown; how it discovered that land-existence necessitated a separate organ working on different principles of atmospheric oxygen, is also not understood; how it managed to grow the proper organ (i.e., lung) to fit inside the body for the proper purpose, is enigmatic; how it persevered for a few million years to continue perfecting its mental blueprint of the lung, is also problematic; how it managed to phase out the growth and functions of the gill and simultaneously improved the development of the lung, is mysterious; how it rearranged its own DNA nucleotide sequence each time it made an anatomical change, is incredible. Despite all these unknowns, enigmas, and theoretical concepts, we are asked to have "faith" in these farfetched stories of evolution.”
I. L. Cohen é matemático, pesquisador e autor de vários livros, membro da New York Academy of Sciences e do Archaeological Institute of America.