by Lisa A. Shiel
Coming September 2009
Expose the Conspiracy!
“Shiel is consistently convincing…evolutionary scientists have circumvented the true scientific method.”—Dr. Quinton R. Rogers, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of Molecular Biosciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California Davis
“A decidedly irreverent view of evolution…[Shiel] translates the off-putting jargon while outlining some major scientific hypotheses, warts and all.”—Tyler A. Kokjohn, PhD, professor of microbiology, Midwestern University
“Shiel systematically dismantles the arguments that have long been the cornerstone of Darwinian hegemony in the biological sciences in workmanlike fashion, illustrating exactly what is wrong with the theory in a compelling and easy-to-understand text. A triumph of logic over dogma!”—Timothy Birdnow, freelance writer and blogger for the American Daily Review
Download FREE sample chapters from The Evolution Conspiracy, Vol. 1 (Advance Reading Copy) [Download gratuito de excerto aqui]
Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
Chapter 1: Imagining Life’s Origins
The Definition of Life
Genesis Theories
Spontaneous Generation
The Primordial Soup Theory
Chapter 2: Inventing Evolution
Troublesome Words
Descent with Modification
The Species Quagmire
Naming the Beasts
Darwin, From Man to God
Natural Selection: Evolution’s Engine
The Cult of Evolution
Chapter 3: Distorting Science
The Myth of a Method
Theory Vs. Hypothesis
The Unscientific Method
The Facts of Evolution
To See the Invisible
The Plight of the Black Mouse
The Case of the Noxious Newts
Chapter 4: Hunting the First Life
Fossils Incognito
Visions of Early Earth
Footprints of the First Organism
Volcanic Outbursts
To Be or Not To Be…Stromatolites
Primordial Soup Leftovers
Grade: Incomplete
The Recipe for Primordial Soup
Chapter 5: Concocting Genetic Clues
Evolution’s Timepiece
Phylogenetics: The Guessing Game
The Holey Trees
Defective Corrections
The Genetic Iron Curtain
The Maker of Mutations
Sexy Molecules
Chapter 6: Solving the Fossil Riddle
Meet the Ediacarans
The 50-Year Mystery
A Precambrian Buffet
The Cambrian Explosion
Fossil Hallucinations
Cryptic Species
The First Land Animals
The Lazarus Effect
Chapter 7: Spying on Natural Selection
Attack of the Cloned Bacteria
Bacterial Fitness in Evolution’s Gym
Playing God in the Lab
Cryptic Genes
The Search for Evolution
Transient Change
The Mystery of Maladaptation
Chapter 8: Separating Apes from Humans
The First Primates
Indefinite Definitions
Hominoid Vs. Hominid
The Hominin Debate
The Human Question
The Hominid Divide
X Marks the Spot
The First Hominid
Chapter 9: Reassembling Ancestry
The Fossil Jigsaw Puzzle
The Trouble with Subspecies
Fragmented Logic
The Missing Pieces
The Mismatched Head
The Name Game
Archaic, Gracile, and Robust
The Human Muddle
Alias: Hominid
Chapter 10: Biasing the Fossil Record
Fossil Politics
Paleo Correctness
Overactive Imaginations
Hominid Envy
The Missing Monographs
Top-Secret Fossils
Lumpers Vs. Splitters
Unanswered Questions
Chapter 11: Untangling the Vines
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