Massimo Pigliucci 1
1Stony Brook University, Department of Ecology & Evolution, New York,, United States
Modern evolutionary biology began with the publication of Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species in 1859. Since then, two major reassessments of the theory have taken place: the neo-Darwinian turn at the end of the 19th century (which definitely excluded Lamarckism), and the Modern Synthesis of the 1930s and ‘40s (which reconciled Mendelism, statistical genetics and Darwinism). For years now scholars have been hinting at the necessity of a new Extended Synthesis, building on the conceptual framework laid out during the middle of the 20th century while incorporating new empirical findings and theoretical advances that have occurred since. In this talk I sketch how the Extended Synthesis is beginning to shape, with contributions from fields such as evo-devo, genomics, ecology and complexity theory, and with the incorporation of new concepts like phenotypic plasticity, modularity and evolvability. There is much intellectual ferment in the field, and this is an exciting time to be an evolutionary biologist!
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Pigliucci é um dos palestrantes no 12o. Congresso ESEB - Turim - Itália - 24 a 29 de agosto de 2009.
Enquanto isso em Pindorama, a tropa de choque da Nomenklatura científica, mais os guardas-cancelas, oops pareceristas, peer-reviewers é mais chique, e mais a Grande Mídia tupiniquim, num silêncio pétreo sobre o porque da necessidade de uma nova teoria geral da evolução, Darwin 3.0, oops Síntese Evolutiva Ampliada: é que Darwin não fecha as contas epistêmicas, mano, desde 1859!