É, mas aqui e ali aparece um físico sem papas na língua e diz o que os biólogos evolucionistas não têm coragem de dizer: o darwinismo está em crise há muito tempo e uma revisão ou descarte da teoria geral da evolução de Darwin se faz mais do que necessária. Gente, eu quase não acreditei no que li:
Nature Physics 5, 531 (2009)
Collectivist revolution in evolution
Mark Buchanan
It now seems clear that biology may also have a second act linked to the widespread importance of collective phenomena. The explosion of genetic and proteomic data, of course, has ushered in the era of systems biology, as biologists have come to recognize the need to gain a more holistic understanding of the functioning of organisms. But this may not be the most radical transformation in store for biological science. A coming revolution in biology, some suggest, may go so far as to unseat Darwinian evolution (in its modern form) from its position as the key explanatory process in biology, and may just bring back some form of Lamarckian evolution — that old idea of the inheritance of acquired characteristics.
Exploring that point in greater detail will be a task for a new kind of biology, one that breaks with many of the presuppositions of traditional evolutionary thinking, and explores the potential for rich and surprising dynamics in a collective setting. It will almost surely benefit from the ideas and experience of physics, which has already experienced its own collectivist revolution.
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