Journal of Theoretical Biology
Volume 175, Issue 4, 21 August 1995, Pages 583-594
Contamination of the genome by very slightly deleterious mutations: why have we not died 100 times over?
Alexey S. Kondrashov
Section of Ecology and Systematics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, U.S.A.
Received 21 October 1994;
accepted 3 February 1995. ;
Available online 2 May 2002.
It is well known that when s, the selection coefficient against a deleterious mutation, is below ≈ 1/4Ne, where Ne is the effective population size, the expected frequency of this mutation is ≈ 0.5, if forward and backward mutation rates are similar. Thus, if the genome size, G,i n nucleotides substantially exceeds the Ne of the whole species, there is a dangerous range of selection coefficients, 1/G< s< 1/4Ne. Mutations withswithin this range are neutral enough to accumulate almost freely, but are still deleterious enough to make an impact at the level of the whole genome. In many vertebratesNe≈ 104, while G≈ 109, so that the dangerous range includes more than four orders of magnitude. If substitutions at 10% of all nucleotide sites have selection coefficients within this range with the mean 10−6, an average individual carries ≈ 100 lethal equivalents. Some data suggest that a substantial fraction of nucleotides typical to a species may, indeed, be suboptimal. When selection acts on different mutations independently, this implies to high a mutation load. This paradox cannot be resolved by invoking beneficial mutations or environmental fluctuations. Several possible resolutions are considered, including soft selection and synergistic epistasis among very slightly deleterious mutations.
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Esta pesquisa da Kondrashov é para ser considerada cum grano salis tendo em vista as mutações filtradas pela seleção natural serem, entre n mecanismos evolucionários, consideradas como o fiat evolutio na origem das espécies. Por que nós não morremos pelo menos umas 100 vezes???
Fui, cada vez mais cético das especulações transformistas de Darwin. E tem gente que espera que eu volte para os braços de Darwin. Por que, hein???