Biological Theory
June 2017, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp 67–71
Three Modes of Evolution by Natural Selection and Drift: A New or an Extended Evolutionary Synthesis?
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Marion Blute1
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First Online: 07 April 2017
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Source/Fonte: Music of Life
According to sources both in print and at a recent meeting, evolutionary theory is currently undergoing change which some would characterize as a New Synthesis, and others as an Extended Synthesis. This article argues that the important changes involve recognizing that there are three means by which evolutionary change can be initiated (genetically, ecologically, and developmentally) and three corresponding modes of evolutionary drift. It compares the three and goes on to discuss the scale of innovation and extended or inclusive and Lamarckian inheritance. It concludes from these that “new trends in evolutionary biology” are in part a new, and in part an extended evolutionary synthesis.
Evolutionary drift Extended evolutionary synthesis Extended inheritance Lamarckian inheritance Lamarckian evolution New evolutionary synthesis
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O artigo é mais uma tentativa de "controle de danos", que este blogger está vendo como um estilo pós-16 de Altenberg: há uma profunda crise epistemológica na teoria da evolução de Darwin através da seleção natural e n mecanismos evolucionários (de A a Z, vai que um falhe...) no contexto de justificação teórica, que seus defensores procuram juntar água (Darwin) e óleo (evidências enocntradas na natureza). Elas não se misturam, e em vez de reconhecerem o colapso epistêmico fragoroso de Darwin, seus defensores ficam enchendo linguiça nas publicações científicas.
Darwin morreu ! Viva Darwin!!!