International Philosophical Quarterly
published on December 21, 2018
Dariusz Sagan
The Nature of Design Inference and the Epistemic Status of Intelligent Design
This article considers the main methodological objections against the theory of intelligent design. In general, they claim that it lacks a scientific character and they emphasize that design cannot be detected using scientific tools. The critics focus on showing that intelligent design violates various methodological criteria. In response to these objections, this article examines the methodological claim made by its proponents that the characteristic effects of the designer’s activity do provide a sufficient basis for inferring design. This paper also argues that the procedure of inferring that a certain feature has been designed by a supernatural being does not differ in principle from design-detection procedures in other spheres of research.
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Dariusz Sagan, autor deste artigo, não faz parte do Movimento de Design Inteligente.