Fonte: Google
Plate B (Figs. 1,2), originally described by Franzen [18] as the sixth Messel primate (Table 1), had a curious history. It was purchased in 1991 by Dr. Burghard Pohl for the Wyoming Dinosaur Center at Thermopolis, Wyoming. This plate holds a partial skeleton viewed from the left side, embedded in a plate of polyester. Franzen [18] showed that some of the specimen is real, WHILE SUBSTANTIAL PARTS WERE FAKED TO GIVE AN ILLUSION OF GREATER COMPLETENESS [NOTA BENE: As partes foram forjadas para darem a ilusão de maior completude.]. Working from what was available, Franzen attributed the specimen to the species “Pronycticebus neglectus” (THALMANN, HAUBOLD & MARTIN, 1989) described from Geiseltal [22]. He first placed the species in Caenopithecus, and then assigned it to a new genus Godinotia [1].

Foto: Tama/Getty Fonte.
Plate A (Figs. 1,2) described here, became available for sale and was purchased in 2007 by the Natural History Museum of the University of Oslo (Norway). This plate, showing a skeleton from the right side, proves to be the hitherto unknown and much more complete counterpart of the Wyoming Plate B. Careful study and comparison of the new and more complete plate indicates that the specimen cannot belong to Godinotia neglectus (see below).
The Oslo specimen, plate A, clarifies exactly which parts of plate B were faked, including notably, hands and feet (where some proportions of constructions may have been based on reversed photos of A) and the tail vertebral column. Traces on the surrounding polyester resin background suggest that a cast of the tail of another mammal was inserted into plate B. Additional parts such as the vertebrae between sections 1 and 2 as well the nasal part of the skull on plate B were simply fabricated. [NOTA BENE 2: ALGUMAS PEÇAS FORAM FORJADAS!!! Que ciência é esta que forja partes dos fósseis PARA DAR A ILUSÃO de completude. O nome disso é mágica!]
The almost complete skeleton on plate A has been well prepared, and it also lies on a polyester resin background. Preservation is unique. The cranium is compressed, but a combination of plates A and B shows virtually the entire dentition. Plate A also shows almost the entire right side of the body and several parts of the left side of the body that are missing on plate B. Only the distal part of the left leg is missing on both plates. Thus the skeleton of Darwinius masillae is much more complete than any known for Notharctus Gregory 1920 [23], and in addition it is unique in exhibiting the entire soft body outline as well as contents of the digestive system [24].
Fonte: PlosOne
Desde 1859 os discípulos de Darwin saíram adoidadamente atrás do elo perdido. Já forjaram alguns desses elos. Aqui neste caso, nós temos uma pesquisa científica com o aval de cientistas de renome. Louve-se a honestidade deles em reconhecer que parte do fóssil foi FORJADA para dar uma certa impressão.
Pobre Darwin...