Darwin in the 21st Century: Nature, Humanity, and God
The John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values
and the Science, Theology and the Ontological Quest project present
Darwin in the 21st Century:
Nature, Humanity, and God
November 1–3, 2009
University of Notre Dame
Center for Continuing Education, McKenna Hall
Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
This international conference is devoted to evolutionary theory in its scientific, anthropological, philosophical, and theological dimensions as a contribution to the 150th anniversary of the publication of the Origin of Species. Download conference postcard (PDF).
Featured Speakers
Gennaro Auletta, Gregorian University, Rome
Francisco Ayala, University of California, Irvine
William Carroll, Blackfriars, Oxford University
Celia Deane-Drummond, University of Chester
Jean Gayon, University of Paris
Paul Griffiths, University of Sydney
Kenneth Miller, Brown University
Alessandro Minelli, University of Padua
Sandra Mitchell, University of Pittsburgh
Simon Conway Morris, Cambridge University
Robert Richards, University of Chicago
Bernard Wood, George Washington University
Archbishop Jozef Zycinski, University of Lublin, Poland
Conference Goals
examine the present state of theoretical discussion of evolutionary theory within the biological sciences reflect on the future directions of evolutionary theory through interdisciplinary discussions by scientists, social scientists, philosophers of science, and theologians explore issues at the intersection of evolutionary theory for our understanding of human nature develop interdisciplinary dialogue involving theology, philosophy, and evolutionary biology to form new perspectives on evolutionary science, Christian humanism, and the theology of creation.
Call for Papers
20 minute contributed papers on topics of relevance to the conference themes will be accepted for simultaneous sessions on November 2 and 3. Abstracts of 200 words and brief C.V.s are due by June 12, with notification of acceptance by June 19. Abstracts and proposals should be emailed to nd.reilly.31@nd.edu.
Event Sponsors
John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values
Science, Theology and the Ontological Quest Project
University of Notre Dame’s College of Arts and Letters
University of Notre Dame’s Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts
Interdisciplinary Program in Global Linkages of Biology, the Environment, and Society
For more information, call the University of Notre Dame’s Reilly Center at 574.631.5015 or email the center at reilly@nd.edu.