A revista Nature desta semana deu destaque à reportagem especial sobre Darwin.
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Sem comentários, mas isso nos dá uma idéia de como será esta nauseabunda louvaminhice e idolatria secularista por todo o mundo.
Pobre ciência que agora tem ídolos e dogmas: Darwin-ídolo e a teoria geral da evolução.
Será que a Nature rendeu homenagens a Alfred Russel Wallace e a sua Lei de Sarawak???
Os idólatras secularistas fundamentalistas não cometeriam tal sacrilégio: Darwin locuta, evolutio finita!!!
Beyond the origin
As Nature anticipates next year's bicentenary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of On the Origin of Species, we begin our coverage with a look 50 years into the future.
19 November 2008
The needs of the many
The idea that natural selection acts on groups, as well as individuals, is a source of unending debate. Marek Kohn reports on what the two sides disagree about — and why it matters to them.
19 November 2008
Let's make a mammoth
Evolution assumes that extinction is forever. Maybe not. Henry Nicholls asks what it would take to bring the woolly mammoth back from the dead.
19 November 2008
Darwin: Heading to a town near you
The theory of evolution challenges artists and philosophers as much as scientists. Joanne Baker rounds up the many forthcoming events worldwide that examine Darwin's life, his work and reactions to it.
19 November 2008