The primordial power spectrum revisited [PDF grátis]
Carlos Barceló Andalusian Institute of Astrophysics (CSIC), Granada, Spain
Published October 20, 2008
The universe we see today is the result of mass-energy fluctuations during the rapid inflationary expansion that followed the big bang. A new approach to analyzing those fluctuations brings theory into better alignment with observational data.

Figure 1 [NASA]: A schematic model of the evolution of the universe from the big bang to the present. Quantum fluctuations just after the big bang develop during the rapid period of inflationary expansion into the inhomogeneities that lead to formation of stars and galaxies. Agulló et al. [3] propose a new definition of the distribution of primordial fluctuations that overcomes some of the problems of the inflationary model.
A Viewpoint on:
Reexamination of the Power Spectrum in De Sitter Inflation
Iván Agulló, José Navarro-Salas, Gonzalo J. Olmo, and Leonard Parker
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 171301 (2008) – Published October 20, 2008
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