quinta-feira, março 30, 2017

Quebrando o epitranscriptoma

Cracking the epitranscriptome

Schraga Schwartz

- Author Affiliations

Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot 76100, Israel

Corresponding author: schwartz@weizmann.ac.il

Source/Fonte: Nature


Over 100 distinct chemical modifications can be catalyzed on RNA post-synthesis, potentially serving as a post-transcriptional regulatory layer of gene expression. This review focuses on recent advances, knowledge gaps, and challenges pertaining to N6-methyladenosine (m6A), an abundant modification of mRNA for which substantial progress has been made in recent years. The discussed aspects are also very relevant for a wide range of additional modifications on mRNA collectively coined the epitranscriptome.

Keywords N6-methyladenosine epitranscriptome review


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© 2016 Schwartz; Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press for the RNA Society

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