quinta-feira, março 30, 2017

O nascimento do epitranscriptoma - decifrando a função das modificações do RNA

The birth of the Epitranscriptome: deciphering the function of RNA modifications

Yogesh Saletore, Kate Meyer, Jonas Korlach, Igor D Vilfan, Samie Jaffrey and Christopher E MasonEmail author

Genome Biology201213:175

DOI: 10.1186/gb-2012-13-10-175 © BioMed Central Ltd 2012  

Accepted: 31 October 2012 Published: 31 October 2012



Recent studies have found methyl-6-adenosine in thousands of mammalian genes, and this modification is most pronounced near the beginning of the 3' UTR. We present a perspective on current work and new single-molecule sequencing methods for detecting RNA base modifications.


epigenetics epigenomics epitranscriptome m6A methyl-6-adenosine methyladenosine N6-methyladenosine RNA modifications

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