terça-feira, janeiro 19, 2010

Máquinas moleculares e dinâmica molecular direcionada: o DNA em movimento

Molecular Machines and Targeted Molecular Dynamics: DNA in Motion
Janice D. Pata1, 2, and Joachim Jaeger1, 2
1 Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY 12201-0509, USA
2 Department of Biomedical Sciences, University at Albany, Albany, NY 12201-0509, USA
Available online 12 January 2010. 
Refers to:
The Mechanism of the Translocation Step in DNA Replication by DNA Polymerase I: A Computer Simulation Analysis
 Volume 18, Issue 1, 13 January 2010, Pages 83-93, 
Andrei A. Golosov, Joshua J. Warren, Lorena S. Beese, Martin Karplus

In this issue of Structure, Golosov et al. present molecular dynamics simulations that illuminate the process of DNA translocation by an A-family DNA polymerase. Several distinct phases are identified that have not been visualized through crystallographic studies.
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