Friday, October 30, 2009
By Guy Berthault
Why in this year of the anniversary of Darwin’s birth and the publication of his Origin of Species is Darwinism coming to an end? Of course, it should have come to an end over a century ago when its flaws were first being brought to the attention of the scientific community. But too many philosophical interests were at play.

Charles Darwin
Give a natural reason for the origin of life, as did Darwin and others that followed him, and the constraints of morality fall. One of his many followers was humanist Julian Huxley, secretary of the Zoological Society of London (1935-42), first director of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.
He expressed his feelings on evolution and those of his contemporaries and successors in writing, “The sense of spiritual relief which comes from rejecting the idea of God as a superhuman being is enormous.” (Essays of a Humanist, 1966, p. 223).
Each time an objection was made to the theory of evolution on scientific grounds a modification was introduced. Normally, any standard scientific theory would have been abandoned after two or three legitimate objections had been raised. This was not, however, the case with evolution. The continuing series of ‘ad hoc’ modifications made since the theory was launched in 1859 to this day distinguishes it from any theory claiming to be scientific.
Too many vested ideological interests of scientists and philosophers alike looking for a natural explanation of origins have interfered with a balanced objective scientific approach to Darwinism. As a simple change in wind direction at the battle of Lepanto in 1571 brought victory to Christianity over the Ottoman Empire, so new winds of change in scientific data are about to bring defeat to the errors of Darwinism.
Although the volume of scientific evidence against evolution theory has been accumulating ever since Darwin’s theory was introduced, the certainty about its downfall arises from recent discoveries in stratigraphy. Whereas in the past, every time a valid criticism was levelled against the theory a new ‘ad hoc’ modification however weak was made to counter it, this time there is no possible way round.
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