Website com informações detalhadas em inglês.
Registration closes on June 11, 2007.
Thursday - Monday 21-25 June, 2007
Location: Museum Boerhaave, Leiden
LEIDEN UNIVERSITY, Department of Philosophy
Zvi Biener (Pitt) & Chris Smeenk (Western Ontario)
"The Limits of Evidential Reasoning in Newton´s Argument for Universal Gravitation"
Katherine Brading (Notre Dame)
"Newton on Body: a Response to Descartes"
Graciela de Pierris (Stanford)
"Newton, Locke, Hume and Scientific Methodology"
Henk De Regt (VU)
"Newtonian Gravitation, Metaphysics, and Scientific Understanding"
Rob DiSalle (Western Ontario)
"Newton´s Philosophical Method"
Steffen Ducheyne (Gent)
"Newton´s General Scholium: Published and Unpublished Endeavours"
Katherine Dunlop (Brown)
"Newton and Barrow on "Sensible Measures" of Absolute Space"
Michael Friedman (Stanford)
"Newton and Kant on Absolute Space: From Theology to Transcendental Philosophy"
Dan Garber (Princeton)
"Newton vs. Leibniz: Body, Force and the Laws of Nature"
Andrew Janiak (Duke)
"Descartes´s Metaphysical Physics and Newton´s Physical Metaphysics"
Lynn Joy (Notre Dame)
"Newton´s Divine Phenomenalism and its Humean Legacy"
Marco Panza (Paris)
"From Velocities to Fluxions: Newton between Geometry and Analysis"
Chris Smeenk (Western Ontario) & George E. Smith (Tufts)
"Newton on Constrained Motion"
George E. Smith (Tufts)
"The Questions of Mass in Newton´s Law of Gravity"
Maarten Van Dijck (Gent)
"Galilean Inertia and Newton´s Laws of Motion"
Karin Verelst (VUB)
"G.O.D. in Newton and Leibniz: Intransparency vs. Inconsistency
Roundtable, 23 June
Herman Philipse (Utrecht)
Catherine Wilson (CUNY)
Nico Bertoloni Meli (Indiana)
Young Scholars
Mary Domski (New Mexico)
Dana Jalobeanu (Arad)
Ted Richards (Kentucky)
Tanya Rundle (Emory)
Conference organized with support from:
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
Department of Philosophy, Leiden University
College van Bestuur, Leiden University
LUF: Leiden University Fund
De Evert Willem Beth Stichting
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
Eric Schliesser
*Assistant Professor, Philosophy Dept., Syracuse University, 541 Hall of Languages, Syracuse, NY, 13244-1170. (ph) 315-663-4308;
*VENI Research Fellow (2005-9), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Philosophy Dept., Leiden University, PO BOX 9515, Leiden, 2300 RA, the Netherlands. Tel: 06-15005958
*Research Associate, Amsterdam Research Group in History and Methodology of Economics, University of Amsterdam.
skype: ericschliesser