quarta-feira, fevereiro 19, 2025

Se o design é mera ilusão na natureza, por que a engenharia aeroespacial se inspira em ossos de pterossauros?

Harnessing 3D microarchitecture of pterosaur bone using multi-scale X-ray CT for aerospace material design

Nathan Pili, Tristan J. Lowe, Lee Margetts, Kevin Pickup, William I. Sellers, Emma L. Nicholls, Philip J. Withers & Phillip L. Manning 

Scientific Reports volume 15, Article number: 5719 (2025) 

Image/Imagem: Nathan Pili, The University of Manchester.


Pterosaurs were the largest animals to have achieved powered flight in the history of life on Earth, possessing wingspans akin to some modern light aircraft. Vertebrate fossils have shown their potential to retain information on the chemical, physical, and mechanical properties of precursor bone. However, the fossil record is not a traditional source of inspiration for engineers to create palaeo-bioinspired designs. To explore its potential, this study has imaged the three-dimensional porosity of pterosaur bone intending to inspire and improve the mechanical properties of aerospace materials. Historically, two-dimensional histological analysis has resolved fine-scale structures in fossilised bone, which damages the sample. By applying advanced X-ray imaging techniques in this study (using Image Quality Indicators) we show it is possible to non-destructively resolve/verify the microarchitecture of pterosaur bone not previously seen in three dimensions. Pterosaur bone porosity has helped map the macroscopic stresses of this biomaterial but ultimately presents an opportunity to inspire advanced manufactured materials. This microarchitecture of bone offers a unique geometry where self-healing materials with internal monitoring systems can be developed. The iterative process of Darwinian natural selection has evolved multiple engineering solutions that can be reverse engineered to solve challenges facing industry in the 21st Century.

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