sábado, março 20, 2021

Mais uma hipótese sobre a origem da vida: a morte permitiu a complexidade na evolução química

Chemical Fueling Enables Molecular Complexification of Self‐Replicators

Shuo Yang Gael Schaeffer Elio Mattia Omer Markovitch Kai Liu Andreas S. Hussain Jim Ottelé Ankush Sood Sijbren Otto

First published: 10 March 2021 https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202016196


Unravelling how the complexity of living systems can (have) emerge(d) from simple chemical reactions is one of the grand challenges in contemporary science. Evolving systems of self‐replicating molecules may hold the key to this question. Here we show that, when a system of replicators is subjected to a regime where replication competes with replicator destruction, simple and fast replicators can give way to more complex and slower ones. The structurally more complex replicator was found to be functionally more proficient in the catalysis of a model reaction. These results show that chemical fueling can maintain systems of replicators out of equilibrium, populating more complex replicators that are otherwise not readily accessible. Such complexification represents an important requirement for achieving open‐ended evolution as it should allow improved and ultimately also new functions to emerge.