sábado, fevereiro 02, 2019

Uma publicação científica darwinista convoca artigos sobre teleologia e educação da evolução

Call for Papers: Teleology and Evolution Education

New Content Item

Evolution: Education and Outreach invites original contributions exploring all aspects of teleological reasoning and teleological language pertinent to the teaching and learning of evolution. The scope of papers to be included in this special issue will range from theoretical reflections on the role that teleology should play in evolution education to empirical studies addressing teleology-related aspects of teaching and learning evolution. Submitted papers may, for example, address: the assessment of students’ teleological reasoning and teleological misconceptions about evolution; teaching strategies and learning environments focusing on teleology; or teachers’ teleology-related instructional practices and professional development. The literature on teleology is diverse; we welcome a range of positions from a variety of disciplines (e.g., cognitive psychology, learning sciences, biology education, philosophy of science).
Questions about contributions may be directed to Prof. Marcus Hammann, Guest Editor of the special issue, or to Editor-in-Chief Ross Nehm. Submissions are now open, with an anticipated publication date of December 2019.
Evolution: Education and Outreach is now celebrating its 10th anniversary, and has recently attained SCOPUS indexing.
Submitted papers will be reviewed in a timely manner and published directly after acceptance (i.e. without waiting for the accomplishment of all other contributions). Thanks to the Evolution: Education and Outreach open access policy, the articles published in this thematic series will have a wide, global audience.

Submission instructions
Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read the submission guidelines for Evolution: Education and Outreach. The complete manuscript should be submitted through the journal submission system. To ensure that you submit to the correct thematic series please select the appropriate section in the drop-down menu upon submission. In addition, indicate within your cover letter that you wish your manuscript to be considered as part of the thematic series on series title. All submissions will undergo rigorous peer review, and accepted articles will be published within the journal as a collection.
Submissions will also benefit from the usual advantages of open access publication:
Rapid publication: Online submission, electronic peer review and production make the process of publishing your article simple and efficient
High visibility and international readership in your field: Open access publication ensures high visibility and maximum exposure for your work - anyone with online access can read your article
No space constraints: Publishing online means unlimited space for figures, extensive data and video footage.
Authors retain copyright, licensing the article under a Creative Commons license: articles can be freely redistributed and reused as long as the article is correctly attributed.
Mas Darwin não tinha eliminado de uma vez por todas a teleologia na biologia evolucionária???
Eu queria ver a cara de meus amigos professores universitários de Biologia e de História da Ciência que disseram que eu tinha embarcado numa canoa furada da teoria do Design Inteligente por propor a teleologia nas coisas biológicas. Eu queria ver a cara da Galera dos meninos e meninas de Darwin pelas suas provocações e deboches: a ciência está nos vindicando - a teleologia é real na natureza e pode ser detectada!!!