terça-feira, março 20, 2018

'Nova' forma de vida explica a evolução das células???

Converting Escherichia coli into an archaebacterium with a hybrid heterochiral membrane

Antonella Caforio, Melvin F. Siliakus, Marten Exterkate, Samta Jain, Varsha R. Jumde, Ruben L. H. Andringa, Servé W. M. Kengen, Adriaan J. Minnaard, Arnold J. M. Driessen and John van der Oost

PNAS March 19, 2018. 201721604; published ahead of print March 19, 2018.  

Edited by Eugene V. Koonin, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and approved February 27, 2018 (received for review December 12, 2017).



Escherichia coli has been engineered toward an archaebacterium with an unprecedented high level of archaeal ether phospholipids. The obtained cells stably maintain a mixed heterochiral membrane. This finding challenges theories that assume that intrinsic instability of mixed membranes led to the “lipid divide” and the subsequent differentiation of bacteria and archaea. Furthermore, this study paves the way for future membrane engineering of industrial production organisms with improved robustness.


One of the main differences between bacteria and archaea concerns their membrane composition. Whereas bacterial membranes are made up of glycerol-3-phosphate ester lipids, archaeal membranes are composed of glycerol-1-phosphate ether lipids. Here, we report the construction of a stable hybrid heterochiral membrane through lipid engineering of the bacterium Escherichia coli. By boosting isoprenoid biosynthesis and heterologous expression of archaeal ether lipid biosynthesis genes, we obtained a viable E. coli strain of which the membranes contain archaeal lipids with the expected stereochemistry. It has been found that the archaeal lipid biosynthesis enzymes are relatively promiscuous with respect to their glycerol phosphate backbone and that E. coli has the unexpected potential to generate glycerol-1-phosphate. The unprecedented level of 20–30% archaeal lipids in a bacterial cell has allowed for analyzing the effect on the mixed-membrane cell’s phenotype. Interestingly, growth rates are unchanged, whereas the robustness of cells with a hybrid heterochiral membrane appeared slightly increased. The implications of these findings for evolutionary scenarios are discussed.

lipid biosynthesis ether lipids hybrid membranes bacteria archaea