quarta-feira, março 14, 2018

Mais complexidade na natureza: máquinas moleculares com mecanismos bioinspirados

Molecular machines with bio-inspired mechanisms

Liang Zhang, Vanesa Marcos and David A. Leigh

PNAS 2018; published ahead of print February 26, 2018, 

Edited by J. Fraser Stoddart, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, and approved January 31, 2018 (received for review December 17, 2017)

Multistage operation of a bidirectional small-molecule transporter that uses a rotary switch to control a molecular robotic arm (57)


The widespread use of molecular-level motion in key natural processes suggests that great rewards could come from bridging the gap between the present generation of synthetic molecular machines—which by and large function as switches—and the machines of the macroscopic world, which utilize the synchronized behavior of integrated components to perform more sophisticated tasks than is possible with any individual switch. Should we try to make molecular machines of greater complexity by trying to mimic machines from the macroscopic world or instead apply unfamiliar (and no doubt have to discover or invent currently unknown) mechanisms utilized by biological machines? Here we try to answer that question by exploring some of the advances made to date using bio-inspired machine mechanisms.

molecular machines molecular motors molecular robotics catenanes rotaxanes