quinta-feira, janeiro 18, 2018

Da genética forense à genômica forense - ampliando a inteligência investigativa do DNA - design inteligente em ação

From forensic epigenetics to forensic epigenomics: broadening DNA investigative intelligence

Athina Vidaki and Manfred Kayser

Genome Biology201718:238

Published: 21 December 2017


Human genetic variation is a major resource in forensics, but does not allow all forensically relevant questions to be answered. Some questions may instead be addressable via epigenomics, as the epigenome acts as an interphase between the fixed genome and the dynamic environment. We envision future forensic applications of DNA methylation analysis that will broaden DNA-based forensic intelligence. Together with genetic prediction of appearance and biogeographic ancestry, epigenomic lifestyle prediction is expected to increase the ability of police to find unknown perpetrators of crime who are not identifiable using current forensic DNA profiling.

FREE PDF GRATIS: Genome Biology