segunda-feira, julho 03, 2017

The Design of Life, de Dembski e Wells, curso avançado online gratuito *****

Dembski and Wells’s The Design of Life: Advanced Online Curriculum Available Now!

Sarah Chaffee

“When future intellectual historians list the books that toppled Darwin’s theory,” says biologist Michael Behe, “The Design of Life will be at the top.” Today we release an online companion to The Design of Life — following on the heels of our first foray into online learning with Discovering Intelligent DesignIt’s accessible here!
Mathematician William Dembski and biologist Jonathan Wells’s 300-page book provides a college-level overview of scientific criticisms of neo-Darwinism and the evidence for intelligent design.
Delve into the data surrounding the origin of life, specified and irreducible complexity, genetics, the fossil record, human origins, natural selection, and more. As Dembski and Wells write:
If design is so readily detectable within various special sciences, and if its detectability is one of the key factors keeping scientists honest, why should design be barred on a priori grounds from biology? What if biological systems exhibit patterns that clearly reveal design? The point of this book is to show that such patterns do exist in biological systems and that there are no good reasons for barring design from biology.
We’ve turned one of the intelligent design movement’s most celebrated classics into an advanced curriculum helpful for those who want to educate themselves more deeply. The online companion to The Design of Life features PDF chapter summaries covering main themes of the book, supplementary videos, and nine self-grading quizzes.
“Perhaps you’ve always wanted to learn more about biology, chemistry, and math in order to engage more effectively in the evolution debate,” said Daniel Reeves, Educational Outreach Assistant for Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture. “Here is your opportunity — register and get ready to explore the evidence!”
Like the Discovering Intelligent Design resourcesthis latest offering is hosted on our learning platform DiscoveryU. Powered by Thinkific, DiscoveryU is compatible with most devices. Check it out now!