domingo, abril 23, 2017

A hipótese da origem da Lua - passado, presente (e futuro?)

The giant impact hypothesis: past, present (and future?)

William K. Hartmann

Published 11 August 2014.DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2013.0249

Source/Fonte: NASA - Joe Tucciarone


At the request of editors, this paper offers a historical review of early work on the giant impact hypothesis, as well as comments on new data. The author hereby claims (whether believable or not) that his interest is to move towards a correct model of lunar origin, not to defend a possibly incorrect idea, just because of being a co-author of a relevant early paper. Nonetheless, the 1974 giant impact hypothesis appears still to be viable.

FREE PDF GRATIS: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A



Todas as atuais teorias e hipóteses sobre a origem da Lua, em que pese os esforços denodados dos cientistas, estão mais furadas do que queijo suíço - até aqui nenhuma delas são corroboradas no contexto de justificação teórica! 

Vide: Discussion Meeting Issue ‘Origin of the Moon: challenges and prospectsorganizado e editado por David J. Stevenson e Alex N. Halliday.