segunda-feira, fevereiro 13, 2017

Contra Darwin, a biodiversidade é autocatalítica e as espécies "criam" nichos para outras espécies: design inteligente?

Biodiversity is autocatalytic

Roberto Cazzolla Gatti a, Wim Hordijkb, Stuart Kauffman c, 

a Biological Diversity and Ecology Laboratory, Bio-Clim-Land Centre of Excellence, Tomsk State University (TSU), Tomsk, Russia

b Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Klosterneuburg, Austria

c Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, WA, USA

Received 14 October 2016, Revised 5 December 2016, Accepted 6 December 2016, Available online 3 January 2017


• Biodiversity can be considered a system of autocatalytic sets.

• This view offers a possible answer to the fundamental question of why so many species can coexist in the same ecosystem.

• We combine the “Biodiversity-related Niches Differentation Theory” (BNDT) with that of “Reflexively Autocatalytic and Food-generated Sets” (RAFs) to support our argument.


A central question about biodiversity is how so many species can coexist within the same ecosystem. The idea that ecological niches are critical for the maintenance of species diversity has received increasing support recently. However, a niche is often considered as something static, preconditioned, and unchanging. With the “Biodiversity-related Niches Differentiation Theory” (BNDT), we recently proposed that species themselves are the architects of biodiversity, by proportionally increasing the number of potentially available niches in a given ecosystem.

Along similar lines, but independently, the idea of viewing an ecosystem of interdependent species as an emergent autocatalytic set (a self-sustaining network of mutually “catalytic” entities) was suggested, where one (group of) species enables the existence of (i.e., creates niches for) other species.

Here, we show that biodiversity can indeed be considered a system of autocatalytic sets, and that this view offers a possible answer to the fundamental question of why so many species can coexist in the same ecosystem. In particular, we combine the two theories (BNDT and autocatalytic sets), and provide some simple but formal examples of how this would work.

Keywords Autocatalytic sets; Ecological niches; Biodiversity


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"Contrariando as crenças de Darwin, a biodiversidade, segundo o Dr. Cazzolla Gatti, não deriva “da guerra da natureza, da fome e da morte,” mas do poder da vida capacitar outra vida; não da guerra, mas da coexistência; não da competição, mas do evitar isso, ex.: da cooperação e facilitação, i.e., pela autocatálise." (PhysOrg)

Uau, como uma espécie pode facilitar nichos para outras espécies? Isso não é mais Darwin e sua natureza ensanguentada por dentes e garras, isso
 é teleologia, não é mais evolução cega e aleatória sem nenhum propósito, isso é design inteligente!