segunda-feira, fevereiro 20, 2017

Contra a Associação Brasileira Cristãos na Ciência, este livro critica o teísmo evolucionista científica, filosófica e teologicamente

Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique

Edited by J. P. Moreland, Stephen C. Meyer, Chris Shaw, Wayne Grudem

Format: Printed Caseside

Availability: Forthcoming

Expected: Nov 30, 2017

Retail Price: $55.00

About Theistic Evolution

The debate about biological origins continues to be hotly contested within the Christian church. Prominent organizations such as Biologos (USA) and Faraday Institute (UK) insist that Christians must yield to an unassailable scientific consensus in favor of contemporary evolutionary theory and modify traditional biblical ideas about the creation of life accordingly. They promote a view known as “theistic evolution” or “evolutionary creation.” They argue that God used—albeit in an undetectable way—evolutionary mechanisms to produce all forms of life. This book contests this proposal. Featuring two dozen highly credentialed scientists, philosophers, and theologians from Europe and North America, this volume provides the most comprehensive critique of theistic evolution yet produced. It documents evidential, logical, and theological problems with theistic evolution, opening the door to scientific and theological alternatives—making the book essential reading for understanding this worldview-shaping issue.



J. P. Moreland (PhD, University of Southern California) is distinguished professor of philosophy at Biola University. He is an author of, contributor to, or editor of over ninety books, including The Soul: How We Know It's Real and Why It Matters.

Stephen Meyer (PhD, University of Cambridge) is the director of the Discovery Institute's Center of Science and Culture. He is the author of several books, including the best-selling Darwin's Doubt and Signature in the Cell.

Chris Shaw (PhD, Queen's University, Belfast) is professor of drug discovery in the school of pharmacy at Queen's University in Belfast. He is the author of hundreds of peer-reviewed papers and the cofounder of a biomarker discovery company.

Wayne Grudem (PhD, University of Cambridge; DD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is research professor of theology and biblical studies at Phoenix Seminary, having previously taught for 20 years at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is the former president of the Evangelical Theological Society, a member of the Translation Oversight Committee for the English Standard Version of the Bible, the general editor of the ESV Study Bible, and has published over 20 books. 


Category: Academic

Format: Printed Caseside

Page Count: 800

ISBN-10: 1-4335-5286-8

ISBN-13: 978-1-4335-5286-1

Size: 6.0 in x 9.0 in

Weight: 24.0 ounces

Published: November 30, 2017