segunda-feira, janeiro 02, 2017

Darwin, que tal uma nova teoria da evolução com menos seleção natural???

How About a New Theory of Evolution with Less Natural Selection?

November 28, 2016 by ROBBY BERMAN

Science! (BOBVDK)

In early November, a group of preeminent biologists, doctors, anthropologists, and computer scientists met in London to consider making a major change to the concept of evolutionary biology introduced by Charles Darwin in Origin of the Species in 1859. It’s not that they’re interested in throwing out the idea of natural selection. It’s just that they think recent research suggests it doesn’t account for evolution all by itself. This isn’t the first time such a revision has happened, actually. And it’s not clear that it will this time: Conference co-host Kevin Layland told Quanta magazine mid-conference, ““I think it’s going quite well,” Laland said. “It hasn’t gone to fisticuffs yet.”

The current understanding of evolution, known as “modern evolutionary synthesis,” is itself a combination of natural selection and the 1865 genetics work of Gregor Mendel, published six years after Origin of the Species.

Mendel's peas

Mendel’s peas

The modern synthesis emerged in the 1930s and 1940s, and it’s what’s taught in schools today. It states that evolution is the product of small genetic variations (Mendel’s contribution) that survive, or not (Darwin’s process of natural selection).

Some of the scientists at the Royal Society’s “New Trends in Evolutionary Biology” meeting say that this isn’t quite the case, and that there’s a third element that needs to be incorporated: Behavior and environment can also cause evolutionary changes. Carl Zimmer of Quanta, who attended the conference, says, "The researchers don’t argue that the modern synthesis is wrong — just that it doesn’t capture the full richness of evolution.”

To that end some attendees at the conference proposed a new understanding they call the “extended evolutionary synthesis.” What it adds to Darwin’s and Mendel’s work is an awareness of epigenetics.

The word “epigenetics” means “in addition to changes in genetic sequence.” According to science journalist Tabitha M. Powledge, “Broadly speaking, epigenetics is how nurture shapes nature.” The field looks at inheritable genetic changes that don’t involve the changing of a DNA sequence, but rather the activation or deactivation of genes via the epigenome, a layer of chemical tags covering and shaping the structure of a genome to turn individual genes on or off depending on the purpose of a cell, using a variety of chemical processes. The University of Utah has a great video explaining what an epigenome is.

Read more here/Leia mais aqui: Big Think



Desde 1998 este blogger fez vários contatos com editores e jornalistas científicos da Grande Mídia alertando que uma iminente e eminente mudança paradigmática ocorreria em biologia evolucionária, e que se fazia necessária uma nova teoria geral da evolução.

Alguns cientistas da Nomenklatura científica caíram de pau no então "simples professorzinho do Ensino Médio" que não sabe o que é ciência e nem fazer ciência. Pior então foram os ataques ferinos da Galera dos meninos e meninas de Darwin - "o anta do Enézio" y otros epítetos. O professor do Ensino Médio - tenho orgulho de tê-lo sido, é mestre em História da Ciência pela PUC de São Paulo, SP, com dissertação demonstrando que as críticas à teoria da evolução de Darwin através da seleção natural não se deram somente por razões religiosas, mas científicas, e por um que fazia parte do círculo íntimo de Charles Darwin, e que foi recomendado por ele e Thomas Huxley a ser um FRS: St. George Jackson Mivart.

Como é bom ser vindicado por evolucionistas honestos! Queria ver a cara desses cientistas da Nomenklatura científica e da Galera dos meninos e meninas de Darwin: menos seleção natural, caras pálidas!!!

Fui, pois a biologia evolucionária não somente está em crise, mas está sem uma teoria geral da evolução, embora a Síntese Evolutiva Ampliada/Estendida tenha sido lançada em agosto de 2015. Sob qual referencial teórico está sendo feita ciência normal em biologia evolucionária? Abracadabra? Entranhas de animais? Astrologia? Cartas de Tarô? Horóscopo???