sexta-feira, setembro 30, 2016

Galáxias rotativas podem provar que a matéria escura está errada???

The Radial Acceleration Relation in Rotationally Supported Galaxies

Stacy McGaugh, Federico Lelli, Jim Schombert

(Submitted on 19 Sep 2016)

Source/Fonte: The Pinwheel Galaxy - ESA & NASA

We report a correlation between the radial acceleration traced by rotation curves and that predicted by the observed distribution of baryons. The same relation is followed by 2693 points in 153 galaxies with very different morphologies, masses, sizes, and gas fractions. The correlation persists even when dark matter dominates. Consequently, the dark matter contribution is fully specified by that of the baryons. The observed scatter is small and largely dominated by observational uncertainties. This radial acceleration relation is tantamount to a natural law for rotating galaxies.

Comments: 6 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters

Subjects: Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)

Cite as: arXiv:1609.05917 [astro-ph.GA]

(or arXiv:1609.05917v1 [astro-ph.GA] for this version)

Submission history

From: Stacy McGaugh [view email

[v1] Mon, 19 Sep 2016 20:02:10 GMT (161kb,D)