quinta-feira, agosto 11, 2016

Saccharomyces cerevisiae - levedura de cervejeiro - faz um salto evolutivo em poucas gerações no laboratório

Evolution of simple multicellularity increases environmental complexity

Maria Rebolleda-Gomez, William C. Ratcliff, Fankhauser Jonathon, Michael Travisano

This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed [what does this mean?].


Multicellularity - the integration of previously autonomous cells into a new, more complex organism- is one of the major transitions in evolution. Multicellularity changed evolutionary possibilities and facilitated the evolution of increased complexity. Transitions to multicellularity are associated with rapid diversification and increased ecological opportunity but the potential mechanisms are not well understood. In this paper we explore the ecological mechanisms of multicellular diversification during experimental evolution of the brewer's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The evolution from single cells into multicellular clusters modifies the structure of the environment, changing the fluid dynamics and creating novel ecological opportunities. This study demonstrates that even in simple conditions, incipient multicellularity readily changes the environment, facilitating the origin and maintenance of diversity.


The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.




Já estão alardeando que isso fornece prova experimental de que quando a evolução dá um grande passo adiante – como na origem da multicelularidade -os organismos podem diversificar rapidamente para tirar vantagem da mudança.

Será que com este experimento com a "simples" levedura de cervejeiro, a Nomenklatura científica está querendo dizer que acharam A PROVA de como ocorreu a Explosão Cambriana??? É muita imaginação e pouca ciência!