domingo, julho 17, 2016

Espaço, Tempo e Matéria (e como eles importam): discussão sobre alguns insights metafísicos fornecidos por nossas melhores teorias físicas

Space, Time, and (how they) Matter: a Discussion about some Metaphysical Insights Provided by our Best Fundamental Physical Theories

Allori, Valia (2017) Space, Time, and (how they) Matter: a Discussion about some Metaphysical Insights Provided by our Best Fundamental Physical Theories. [Preprint]


This paper is a brief (and hopelessly incomplete) non-standard introduction to the philosophy of space and time. It is an introduction because I plan to give an overview of what I consider some of the main questions about space and time: Is space a substance over and above matter? How many dimensions does it have? Is space-time fundamental or emergent? Does time have a direction? Does time even exist? Nonetheless, this introduction is not standard because I conclude the discussion by presenting the material with an original spin, guided by a particular understanding of fundamental physical theories, the so-called primitive ontology approach.

Keywords: space, time, space-time, substantivalism, relationism, wave function realism, primitive ontology,string theory, dualities, quantum gravity, emergence, unreality of time

Allori, Valia