sexta-feira, junho 03, 2016

Evolução química e a origem da vida: uma análise

Chemical Evolution and Origin of Life: A Review

Avnish Kumar Arora*, Vivek Sheel Jaswal, Kuldeep Singh, Raman Singh

Chemistry Department, MMEC, M M University Mullana, Ambala (Haryana), India - 133207

Received on: 3-Mar-2016 Accepted and Published on: 21-Apr-2016


Life has evolved approximately 3.7 billion years ago on Earth while the Earth itself was formed some 4.6 billion years ago. So it was the time of 0.9 billion years in which chemical reactions took place and formation of first living cell occurred. There are various views on origin of life. This review discusses and compares these theories with respect to chemical evolution and origin of life.

Keywords: Chemical evolution, Origin of life, metal oxides, clay, cyano complexes

FREE PDF GRATIS: Chemical Biology Letters



Para o que foi proposto no artigo - a discussão e comparação das teorias de evolução química, os autores usaram pesquisas de 20-30 anos atrás, deixa muito a desejar em termos de atualização na literatura especializada!!!