segunda-feira, junho 20, 2016

Desonestidade acadêmica: autores distorceram o pensamento de Michael Behe em artigo

The Origin of Man: Biological Sciences and Pedagogy Students’ Conceptions

Laucélly Barbara Avelar Rocha 1, Heslley Machado Silva 2 and Graça S. Carvalho 3

1University Center Formiga, Brazil

2University Center of Formiga and University of Itaúna, Brazil

3University of Minho, Portugal


This study aims at analyzing Biological Sciences and Pedagogy University students’ conceptions on the topic origin of man. It was carried out at the University Center of Formiga, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The analysis focused on the answers to the question of the European questionnaire Biohead-CITIZEN “A.62 — In the list below, tick the three expressions you think are most strongly associated with the origin of humankind” with the following answer alternatives: Adam and Eve; Australopithecus; Creation; Evolution; God; Natural selection. The alternatives associated to the theory of evolution were prevalent among students of Biological Sciences, but the number of future biologists that indicated the alternatives linked to the religious field was not negligible, especially the alternative “God”. In the second semester of Biological Sciences, the most marked option was “God” whereas in the sixth semester the most marked one was “Evolution”, indicating the progress throughout the course towards the Theory of Evolution. Pedagogy students indicated predominantly alternatives linked to the religious field, since in all Pedagogy semesters both “God” and “Creation” answers were the most selected ones. These results are relevant since these future teachers may use their religious views when teaching their students the theme of the origin of life in sciences classes.

Keywords: Education, Religion, Creationism, Evolutionism.



A desonestidade acadêmica das autoras distorcendo o pensamento de Michael Behe no livro A Caixa Preta de Darwin, bem como o que é a teoria do Design Inteligente, encontra-se na página 186:

"Behe (1997) further suggests the exclusion of Darwinian teaching of evolution in schools, because there are a number of misconceptions in this theory, therefore, according to the author it should be taught the hypothesis of intelligent design, which suggests that there is a creator who guides the evolutionary process."

As autoras nem se deram ao trabalho de mencionar a página onde imputaram isso àquele autor. Como é que o Dr. Heslley Machado Silva, (CV Lattes atualizado em 16/06/2016) foto à esquerda, orientador da pesquisa, endossou essa afirmação em descompasso com a verdade exarada por Behe no seu livro? Ele é cúmplice dessa desonestidade acadêmica!