sábado, janeiro 23, 2016

Surgimento evolucionário de novo de uma proteína simétrica é moldado por restrições de dobramento

De Novo Evolutionary Emergence of a Symmetrical Protein Is Shaped by Folding Constraints

Robert G. Smock, Itamar Yadid, Orly Dym, Jane Clarke, Dan S. Tawfikcorrespondenceemail

Publication stage: In Press Corrected Proof

Open Access

Article Info

Publication History
Published Online:January 21, 2016 Accepted:December 7, 2015 Received in revised form:October 5, 2015 Received:July 4, 2015

User License


• Inferred 47-aminoacid ancestral motifs fold into functional β-propeller assemblies

• Motif duplication, fusion, and diversification yield functional monomeric propellers

• Folding efficiency was the key parameter optimized throughout propeller emergence

• Single-motif precursors in extant genomes support the reconstructed emergence pathway


Molecular evolution has focused on the divergence of molecular functions, yet we know little about how structurally distinct protein folds emerge de novo. We characterized the evolutionary trajectories and selection forces underlying emergence of β-propeller proteins, a globular and symmetric fold group with diverse functions. The identification of short propeller-like motifs (<50 47-residue="" a="" acids="" along="" amino="" ancestral="" and="" assembly.="" assembly="" between="" changed="" conflicts="" constraints="" demonstrate="" div="" dominated="" duplication="" duplications="" efficiency="" entire="" evolutionary="" expanded="" extant="" five-bladed="" foldability="" folding="" form="" functional="" functionality="" genomes="" higher="" however="" i.e.="" improved="" in="" indicated="" initially="" leading="" lectin="" lectins.="" main="" monomer="" monomeric="" motifs="" natural="" of="" oligomer="" oligomeric="" parameter="" phylogenetically="" precedence.="" propellers.="" propellers="" reconstructed="" stability="" subsequently="" tandem="" that="" the="" these="" they="" to="" took="" tradeoffs="" trajectory.="" trajectory:="" trajectory="" upon="" via="" was="" we="" whereas="">

This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

Received: July 4, 2015; Received in revised form: October 5, 2015; Accepted: December 7, 2015; Published Online: January 21, 2016

© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.