quinta-feira, janeiro 21, 2016

Redes filogenéticas baseada em árvore não binária

Nonbinary tree-based phylogenetic networks

Laura Jetten, Leo van Iersel

(Submitted on 19 Jan 2016)


Rooted phylogenetic networks are used to describe evolutionary histories that contain non-treelike evolutionary events such as hybridization and horizontal gene transfer. In some cases, such histories can be described by a phylogenetic base-tree with additional linking arcs, which can for example represent gene transfer events. Such phylogenetic networks are called tree-based. Here, we consider two possible generalizations of this concept to nonbinary networks, which we call tree-based and strictly-tree-based nonbinary phylogenetic networks. We give simple graph-theoretic characterizations of tree-based and strictly-tree-based nonbinary phylogenetic networks. Moreover, we show for each of these two classes that it can be decided in polynomial time whether a given network is contained in the class. Our approach also provides a new view on tree-based binary phylogenetic networks.

Subjects: Populations and Evolution (q-bio.PE); Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS)

Cite as: arXiv:1601.04974 [q-bio.PE]

(or arXiv:1601.04974v1 [q-bio.PE] for this version)

Submission history

From: Leo van Iersel [view email

[v1] Tue, 19 Jan 2016 16:13:31 GMT (102kb)