quinta-feira, novembro 05, 2015

Redes de comunicação de neurônios reprogramados podem ser mudadas ou religadas

Instructing Perisomatic Inhibition by Direct Lineage Reprogramming of Neocortical Projection Neurons

Zhanlei Ye 5, Mohammed A. Mostajo-Radji 5, Juliana R. Brown, Caroline Rouaux 4, Giulio Srubek Tomassy, Takao K. Hensch correspondence email, Paola Arlotta correspondence email

4Present address: INSERM U1118, Mécanismes Centraux et Périphériques de la Neurodégénérescence, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Strasbourg, 67085 Strasbourg, France

5Co-first author

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2015.10.006

Source/Fonte: Extreme Tech


•Reprogrammed cortical callosal neurons acquire identity traits of corticofugal neurons

•Induced corticofugal neurons receive increased input from PV+ cortical interneurons

•Projection neuron class-specific identity instructs afferent inhibitory connectivity


During development of the cerebral cortex, local GABAergic interneurons recognize and pair with excitatory projection neurons to ensure the fine excitatory-inhibitory balance essential for proper circuit function. Whether the class-specific identity of projection neurons has a role in the establishment of afferent inhibitory synapses is debated. Here, we report that direct in vivo lineage reprogramming of layer 2/3 (L2/3) callosal projection neurons (CPNs) into induced corticofugal projection neurons (iCFuPNs) increases inhibitory input onto the converted neurons to levels similar to that of endogenous CFuPNs normally found in layer 5 (L5). iCFuPNs recruit increased numbers of inhibitory perisomatic synapses from parvalbumin (PV)-positive interneurons, with single-cell precision and despite their ectopic location in L2/3. The data show that individual reprogrammed excitatory projection neurons extrinsically modulate afferent input by local PV+ interneurons, suggesting that projection neuron class-specific identity can actively control the wiring of the cortical microcircuit.


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