quarta-feira, setembro 09, 2015

Descoberto mecanismo de base proteica estabilizador do genoma que previne o caos cromossômico

Loss of lamin A function increases chromatin dynamics in the nuclear interior

I. Bronshtein, E. Kepten, I. Kanter, S. Berezin, M. Lindner, Abena B. Redwood, S Mai, S. Gonzalo, R. Foisner, Y. Shav-Tal & Y. Garini

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Nature Communications 6, Article number: 8044 doi:10.1038/ncomms9044

Received 11 January 2015 Accepted 11 July 2015 Published 24 August 2015

Model for the organization of the genome in the nucleus.
Credit: Prof. Yuval Garini, Director, Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan University


Chromatin is organized in a highly ordered yet dynamic manner in the cell nucleus, but the principles governing this organization remain unclear. Similarly, it is unknown whether, and how, various proteins regulate chromatin motion and as a result influence nuclear organization. Here by studying the dynamics of different genomic regions in the nucleus of live cells, we show that the genome has highly constrained dynamics. Interestingly, depletion of lamin A strikingly alters genome dynamics, inducing a dramatic transition from slow anomalous diffusion to fast and normal diffusion. In contrast, depletion of LAP2α, a protein that interacts with lamin A and chromatin, has no such effect on genome dynamics. We speculate that chromosomal inter-chain interactions formed by lamin A throughout the nucleus contribute to chromatin dynamics, and suggest that the molecular regulation of chromatin diffusion by lamin A in the nuclear interior is critical for the maintenance of genome organization.

Subject terms: Biological sciences Biophysics Cell biology Molecular biology

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