terça-feira, setembro 08, 2015

A base citoplásmica da diferenciação celular - remediando a injustiça feita ao citoplasma

Year : 1984 | Volume : 30 | Issue : 4 | Page : 199-206

The cytoplasmic basis of cellular differentiation - redressing the injustice done to the cytoplasm.

Kothari ML, Mehta LA


The riddle of cellular differentiation continues to defy the conceptual and experimental ingenuity of all-logists. Man, like any other metazoic organism starts as a featureless zygotic cell to end up as a fully formed individual comprising the indivisible neurones, the peripatetic polymorphs, and such other "few hundred different types"[20] that refuse[28] to tell anything about how they came into being.

A typical mammalian cell, even in its patently differentiated, stable state, possesses an all-in-one versatility-an actor in the Shakespearean style, playing one role at a time, but capable of playing any role that any act may demand at any time. Any theory on differentiation must account for this seeming paradox of stability in the midst of total versatility. Such a theory must also explain some recent developments[1],[10],[11],[12],[13],[20] as the success of nuclear transplantation into somatic and zygotic cells to spawn some new cell types on the one hand, and some fully formed organisms on the other.

The hypothesis advanced in this paper rests on a radical departure[15] from the nucleus-oriented thinking on cytodifferentiation. It proposes that from the very start, namely, zygote-formation, it is the cytoplasm that governs and guides the nucleus to be this or that, do this or that, be "normal" or cancerous, and so on. The cytoplasm gives the lead which the nucleus follows.


Read more here/Leia mais aqui: Journal of Postgraduate Medicine



Apesar de antigo, este artigo levanta a controvérsia sobre se o citoplasma realmente é o responsável em conduzir o núcleo ser o que é e a realizar funções, ser normal ou cancerígeno, etc.