terça-feira, junho 09, 2015

Fibras e estruturas celulares preservadas em espécimes de dinossauro de 75 milhões de anos

Fibres and cellular structures preserved in 75-million–year-old dinosaur specimens

Sergio Bertazzo, Susannah C. R. Maidment, Charalambos Kallepitis, Sarah Fearn, Molly M. Stevens & Hai-nan Xie

Affiliations Contributions Corresponding authors

Nature Communications 6, Article number: 7352 doi:10.1038/ncomms8352

Received 25 January 2015 Accepted 30 April 2015 Published 09 June 2015


Abstract• References• Author information• Supplementary information

Exceptionally preserved organic remains are known throughout the vertebrate fossil record, and recently, evidence has emerged that such soft tissue might contain original components. We examined samples from eight Cretaceous dinosaur bones using nano-analytical techniques; the bones are not exceptionally preserved and show no external indication of soft tissue. In one sample, we observe structures consistent with endogenous collagen fibre remains displaying ~67 nm banding, indicating the possible preservation of the original quaternary structure. Using ToF-SIMS, we identify amino-acid fragments typical of collagen fibrils. Furthermore, we observe structures consistent with putative erythrocyte remains that exhibit mass spectra similar to emu whole blood. Using advanced material characterization approaches, we find that these putative biological structures can be well preserved over geological timescales, and their preservation is more common than previously thought. The preservation of protein over geological timescales offers the opportunity to investigate relationships, physiology and behaviour of long extinct animals.

Subject terms: Biological sciences Palaeontology

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