quarta-feira, março 11, 2015

A receita primordial: o problema mais incômodo da ciência da origem da vida

by David L. Abel (Author)

This is the second major work by this author (The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control) and it addresses the most fundamental questions remaining for life origin research and : How did molecular evolution generate metabolic recipe and instructions using a representational symbol system? How did prebiotic nature set all of the many configurable switch-settings to integrate so many interdependent circuits? How did inanimate nature sequence nucleotides to spell instructions to the ribosomes on how to sequence amino acids into correctly folding protein molecular machines? How did nature then code these symbol-system instructions into Hamming block codes, to reduce noise pollution in the Shannon channel? What programmed the error-detection and error-correcting software that keeps life from quickly deteriorating into non-life from so many deleterious mutations? In short, which of the four known forces of physics organized and prescribed life into existence? Was it gravity? Was it the strong or weak nuclear force? Was it the electromagnetic force? How could any combination of these natural forces and force fields program decision nodes to prescribe future utility? Why and how would a prebiotic environment value, desire or seek to generate utility? Can chance and/or necessity (law) program or prescribe sophisticated biofunction? The most plaguing problem of life origin science remains: What programmed, in a prebiotic environment, the Primordial Prescription and Processing of such sophisticated, integrated biofunction? That is the subject of this book.


Editorial Reviews

About the Author

Dr. Abel is a life-origin specialist with scores of peer-reviewed science journal publications. He is the Editor of "The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control." Dr. Abel is the Director of the Gene Emergence Project of the Origin of Life Science Foundation, Inc. His specialties are Proto-Biocybernetics and Proto-Biosemiotics.

More About the Author

Dr. Abel is a life-origin specialist with scores of peer-reviewed science journal publications. He is the Editor of The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control.
Dr. Abel is the Director of the Gene Emergence Project of the Origin of Life Science Foundation, Inc. His specialties are Proto-Biocybernetics and Proto-Biosemiotics.

Many of Dr. Abel's science journal papers are downloadable from 

Most of his peer-reviewed science journal papers also downloadable from



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