quarta-feira, novembro 19, 2014

Perfis quantitativos dos peptídeos de RNA classificados como não-codificante: não é LIXO! Tem FUNÇÃO!!!

Quantitative profiling of peptides from RNAs classified as noncoding

Sudhakaran Prabakaran, Martin Hemberg, Ruchi Chauhan, Dominic Winter, Ry Y. Tweedie-Cullen, Christian Dittrich, Elizabeth Hong, Jeremy Gunawardena, Hanno Steen, Gabriel Kreiman & Judith A. Steen

Nature Communications 5, Article number: 5429 doi:10.1038/ncomms6429

Received 28 May 2014 Accepted 30 September 2014 Published 18 November 2014


Only a small fraction of the mammalian genome codes for messenger RNAs destined to be translated into proteins, and it is generally assumed that a large portion of transcribed sequences—including introns and several classes of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs)—do not give rise to peptide products. A systematic examination of translation and physiological regulation of ncRNAs has not been conducted. Here we use computational methods to identify the products of non-canonical translation in mouse neurons by analysing unannotated transcripts in combination with proteomic data. This study supports the existence of non-canonical translation products from both intragenic and extragenic genomic regions, including peptides derived from antisense transcripts and introns. Moreover, the studied novel translation products exhibit temporal regulation similar to that of proteins known to be involved in neuronal activity processes. These observations highlight a potentially large and complex set of biologically regulated translational events from transcripts formerly thought to lack coding potential.

Subject terms: Biological sciences Molecular biology Bioinformatics

Source/Fonte: Nature Communications


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E o "lixo" biológico cada vez mais se mostrando um tesouro. Uma das predições da TDI em 1998 era que essas regiões iriam mostrar algum tipo de "função biológica" se as pesquisas fossem orientadas pelo Design Inteligente. William Dembski, a cada dia sua predição é confirmada. E pelos evolucionistas honestos