terça-feira, maio 13, 2014

O Velho e Novo Testamentos de regulação gênica???

The Old and New Testaments of gene regulation: Evolution of multi-subunit RNA polymerases and co-evolution of eukaryote complexity with the RNAP II CTD

Zachary F Burton*


I relate a story of genesis told from the point of view of multi-subunit RNA polymerases (RNAPs) including an Old Testament (core RNAP motifs in all cellular life) and a New Testament (the RNAP II heptad repeat carboxy terminal domain (CTD) and CTD interactome in eukarya). The Old Testament: at their active site, one class of eukaryotic interfering RNAP and ubiquitous multi-subunit RNAPs each have two-double psi β barrel (DPBB) motifs (a distinct pattern for compact 6-β sheet barrels). Between β sheets 2 and 3 of the β subunit type DPBB of all multi-subunit RNAPs is a sandwich barrel hybrid motif (SBHM) that interacts with conserved initiation and elongation factors required to utilize a DNA template. Analysis of RNAP core protein motifs, therefore, indicates that RNAP evolution can be traced from the RNA-protein world to LUCA (the last universal common ancestor) branching to LECA (the last eukaryotic common ancestor) and to the present day, spanning about 4 billion years. The New Testament: in the eukaryotic lineage, I posit that splitting RNAP functions into RNAPs I, II and III and innovations developed around the CTD heptad repeat of RNAP II and the extensive CTD interactome helps to describe how greater structural, cell cycle, epigenetic and signaling complexity co-evolved in eukaryotes relative to eubacteria and archaea.

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Por que a linguagem bíblica no título de uma publicação científica com revisão por pares??? Por que colocar a teoria do Design Inteligente - sinais de inteligência são empiricamente detectados na natureza todas as vezes que encontrarmos complexidade irredutível e informação complexa especificada - como criacionismo???

O que é bom em tudo isso? É que a Teoria do Design Inteligente, ainda que classificada erroneamente, aparece mencionada em uma publicação científica