sexta-feira, julho 12, 2013

Design Inteligente em ação diante de nossos olhos, oops em nossos olhos...

Switchable telescopic contact lens

Eric. J. Tremblay, Igor Stamenov, R. Dirk Beer, Ashkan Arianpour, and Joseph E. Ford

Optics Express, Vol. 21, Issue 13, pp. 15980-15986 (2013)


We present design and first demonstration of optics for a telescopic contact lens with independent optical paths for switching between normal and magnified vision. The magnified optical path incorporates a telescopic arrangement of positive and negative annular concentric reflectors to achieve 2.8x magnification on the eye, while light passing through a central clear aperture provides unmagnified vision. We present an experimental demonstration of the contact lens mounted on a life-sized optomechanical model eye and, using a pair of modified commercial 3D television glasses, demonstrate electrically operated polarization switching between normal and magnified vision.

© 2013 OSA



Darwin sentia calafrios só de pensar como teria sido a história evolutiva da visão. Simples assim, Darwin - DESIGN INTELIGENTE!!!