sexta-feira, novembro 09, 2012

Estratificação evolucionária e os limites para a perfeição celular

Evolutionary layering and the limits to cellular perfection

Michael Lynch1

- Author Affiliations

Department of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405

Contributed by Michael Lynch, September 24, 2012 (sent for review June 19, 2012)


Although observations from biochemistry and cell biology seemingly illustrate hundreds of examples of exquisite molecular adaptations, the fact that experimental manipulation can often result in improvements in cellular infrastructure raises the question as to what ultimately limits the level of molecular perfection achievable by natural selection. Here, it is argued that random genetic drift can impose a strong barrier to the advancement of molecular refinements by adaptive processes. Moreover, although substantial improvements in fitness may sometimes be accomplished via the emergence of novel cellular features that improve on previously established mechanisms, such advances are expected to often be transient, with overall fitness eventually returning to the level before incorporation of the genetic novelty. As a consequence of such changes, increased molecular/cellular complexity can arise by Darwinian processes, while yielding no long-term increase in adaptation and imposing increased energetic and mutational costs.

genetic load cellular evolution robustness nonadaptive evolution



Author contributions: M.L. designed research, performed research, analyzed data, and wrote the paper.

The author declares no conflict of interest.

Subscription or payment needed: PNAS



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"Random genetic drift can impose a strong barrier to the advancement of molecular refinements by adaptive processes." 

[A deriva genética aleatória pode impor uma forte barreira ao avanço dos refinamentos moleculares através de processos adaptativos]

"Moreover, although substantial improvements in fitness may sometimes be accomplished via the emergence of novel cellular features that improve on previously established mechanisms" 

[Além disso, embora melhoras substanciais em aptidão possam algumas vezes ser realizadas via emergência de novas características celulares que melhoram a partir de mecanismos previamente estabelecidos]

"Increased molecular/cellular complexity can arise by Darwinian processes, while yielding no long-term increase in adaptation and imposing increased energetic and mutational costs. "

[Complexidade molecular/celular crescente pode surgir por processos darwinistas embora não produzindo aumento de longo termo na adaptação e impondo crescentes custos energéticos e mutacionais]


A deriva genética é principalmente um movimento 'degenerativo', e não generativo. As 'melhoras substanciais' mencionadas acima, basicamente equivalem ao 'Natural Genetic Engineering' [Engenharia genética natural] de James A. Shapiro, do Departamento de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular, da Universidade de Chicago.

Finalmente, como temos aqui e ali mencionado neste blog, os processos darwinistas podem até aumentar a 'complexidade' (que é mais ou menos uma ação 'degenerativa', e não generativa), não é comparável à crescente 'complexidade funcional' conforme proposta pelos teóricos do Design Inteligente. Aqui Darwin é reprovado impiedosamente!!! Nem de segunda época ou dependência fica!!!

Muito obrigado Dr. Lynch, por ajudar a colocar mais um prego no caixão epistêmico de Darwin!!!