quarta-feira, setembro 05, 2012

Extensão dos direitos legais para robôs

Extending Legal Rights to Social Robots

Kate Darling 

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - MIT Media Laboratory

April 23, 2012

We Robot Conference, University of Miami, April 2012 

Image not related to this article/Imagem não relacionada a este artigo
New Scientist


People tend to anthropomorphize robots that interact with humans on a social level. This Article explores whether projecting emotions onto objects could lead to an extension of limited legal rights to robotic companions, analogous to animal abuse laws.

Number of Pages in PDF File: 18

Keywords: Social robotics, anthropomorphism, law, ethics, animal abuse

working papers series 

Date posted: August 28, 2012 

Suggested Citation

Darling, Kate, Extending Legal Rights to Social Robots (April 23, 2012). We Robot Conference, University of Miami, April 2012. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2044797

Contact Information

Kate Darling (Contact Author)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - MIT Media Laboratory ( email )

20 Ames St.

Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

United States



E eu pensei que já tinha visto de tudo neste mundo. Se seres humanos com direitos legais à vida, ultimamente sendo revistos, são assassinados nos ventres de mulheres, estender agora direitos legais a robôs???