segunda-feira, agosto 06, 2012

Por que os darwinistas não gostam dos termos "Darwinismo" e "darwinistas" se eles mesmos usam???

Em palestras que tenho dado Brasil a fora sobre a falência epistêmica do Darwinismo, e as razões por que a teoria do Design Inteligente é uma teoria científica, e postagens aqui neste blog, sou advertido que o termo Darwinismo é inapropriado para descrever a teoria da evolução através da seleção natural e n mecanismos evolucionários, e que chamar alguém de darwinista é um termo pejorativo que os evolucionistas não usam entre si.

Bem, a política deste blogger é matar a cobra e mostrar o pau. Eis aqui uma pequena lista de artigos científicos e livros em que evolucionistas se referem à teoria como Darwinismo e os discípulos de Darwin de darwinistas.

Ora, não foi Darwin o homem que teve a maior ideia que toda a humanidade já teve? Então por que sentir vergonha como seguidor, ser chamado de darwinista? e a doutrina evolucionista de Darwinismo

“I’m a Darwinist because I believe the only alternatives are Lamarckism or God neither of which does the job as an explanatory principle.” (Richard Dawkins, in The Third Culture, J. Brockman, Ed., Simon and Schuster, 1995, pp. 75– 95.) 

“A common argument used by anti-Darwinists involves the difficulty of explaining the origin of complex structures by such a process.” (Richard H. Thornhill and David W. Ussery, “A Classification of Possible Routes of Darwinian Evolution,” Journal of Theoretical Biology, 203:111-116, 2000.)

"The cultural polarization of America has been aggravated by attacks on religion from the 'new atheists,' writers such as Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett, who are die-hard Darwinists." (Jerry Coyne, “Seeing and Believing,” The New Republic, February 4, 2009.)

“When biologists talk of the ‘evolution wars’, they usually mean the ongoing battle for supremacy in American schoolrooms between Darwinists and their creationist opponents.” (Trisha Gura, “Bones, molecules. or Both?,” Nature, 406:230-233, July 20, 2000.)

“In his book The Language of God (Free Press, 2006), Collins discusses the ideas of Theodosius Dobzhansky, a Darwinist and the main architect of the modern synthetic theory of biological evolution.” (U. Kutschera, "Dogma, not faith, is the barrier to scientific enquiry," Nature, 443:26, Sept. 7, 2006.)

“*The debate about evolution continues to assume the quality of an abstract and philosophical ‘dialogue of the deaf’ between Creationists and Darwinists.” (James Shapiro, “A Third Way,” Boston Review, 1997.)

“In the ongoing controversy between Darwinists and Creationists, Darwinians usually maintain that their theory obeys the following principle...” (Elliott Sober, “Why Methodological Naturalism?,” 2009.)

“The origin of complex biological systems is a classical topic in evolutionary biology and, probably, the principal object of attacks of anti-darwinists of all ilk...” (Yuri I Wolf and Eugene V Koonin, “On the origin of the translation system and the genetic code in the RNA world by means of natural selection, exaptation, and subfunctionalization,” Biology Direct, Vol. 2:14, 2007.)

“I am afraid that, if our goal as evolutionary biologists is to avoid providing any grist for the ID mill, we should simply claim that Darwin, ‘in principle’, solved all the problems of the origin of biological complexity in his eye story, and only minor details remain to be filled in. Actually, I think the position of some ultra-darwinists is pretty close to that.” (Eugene V Koonin, “The Biological Big Bang model for the major transitions in evolution,” Biology Direct, Vol. 2:21, 2007.)

“Comparative illustrations of vertebrate embryos by the leading nineteenth-century Darwinist Ernst Haeckel have been both highly contested and canonical. ... Haeckel, seeking to make comparative embryology central to a Darwinist worldview..." (Nick Hopwood, “Pictures of Evolution and Charges of Fraud,” Isis, 97:260–301, 2006.)

“[E]ven his Darwinist comrade-in-arms, Carl Gegenbaur, began asserting the rights of comparative anatomy.” (Nick Hopwood, “A history of normal plates, tables and stages in vertebrate embryology,” International Journal of Developmental Biology, 51(1): 1–26, 2007.)

“The Italian anthropologist, psychologist and evolutionist Giuseppe Sergi (1841-1936) may be regarded in some respects today as an ‘atypical’ Darwinist, but, almost paradoxically, he was considered a ‘champion’ of Darwinism by colleagues and commentators of his own time.” (Volpone A., “Giuseppe Sergi, ‘champion’ of Darwinism?,” Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 89:59-69, October 2010.) 



Se o evolucionistas usam os termos Darwinismo e darwinista entre si, por que este blogger não pode usar? 

Fui, nem sei por que, achando as explicações do Darwinismo desde 1859 sobre a origem e evolução das espécies, iguais às explicações dadas pelo Mestre  Gato qual caminho Alice no País das Maravilhas deveria seguir...