segunda-feira, agosto 27, 2012

Não recomendada a frequência de exames de toque retal

Clinical Guidelines | 22 May 2012
Screening for Prostate Cancer: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement

Virginia A. Moyer, MD, MPH; and on behalf of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

Mere illustration/Mera ilustração

[+] Article and Author Information

Ann Intern Med. 22 May 2012Description: Update of the 2008 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendation statement on screening for prostate cancer.

Methods: The USPSTF reviewed new evidence on the benefits and harms of prostate-specific antigen (PSA)–based screening for prostate cancer, as well as the benefits and harms of treatment of localized prostate cancer.

Recommendation: The USPSTF recommends against PSA-based screening for prostate cancer (grade D recommendation).

This recommendation applies to men in the general U.S. population, regardless of age. This recommendation does not include the use of the PSA test for surveillance after diagnosis or treatment of prostate cancer; the use of the PSA test for this indication is outside the scope of the USPSTF.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) makes recommendations about the effectiveness of specific clinical preventive services for patients without related signs or symptoms.

It bases its recommendations on the evidence of both the benefits and harms of the service, and an assessment of the balance. The USPSTF does not consider the costs of providing a service in this assessment.

The USPSTF recognizes that clinical decisions involve more considerations than evidence alone. Clinicians should understand the evidence but individualize decision making to the specific patient or situation. Similarly, the USPSTF notes that policy and coverage decisions involve considerations in addition to the evidence of clinical benefits and harms.