quarta-feira, agosto 08, 2012

Não é piada: os portugueses já estão discutindo a Síntese Evolutiva Ampliada!!!

Welcome to the Lisbon Applied Evolutionary Epistemology Lab!

AppEEL was founded in July 2012 and is part of the Philosophy of Life Sciences Research Group of the Centre for Philosophy of Science, located in the Faculty of Science of the University of Lisbon.

AppEEL aims to advance the study of the Extended Synthesis in biology from an inter- and transdisciplinary approach; and identify how the Extended Synthesis can be applied to the sociocultural domain. We work from within an Applied Evolutionary Epistemological Approach.

Applied Evolutionary Epistemology is a scientific and philosophical methodology used to conduct evolutionary research. It combines the tenets of Evolutionary Epistemology with the research methodologies associated with Universalizing Evolutionary Theory. In regard to natural selection theory, Evolutionary Epistemologists, Philosophers of Biology and Evolutionary Biologists have engaged in abstracting universal heuristics or "skeletons" of the selection mechanism to enable the evolutionary study of sociocultural phenomena; and they have engaged in contemplating the nature of units and levels of selection. Applied Evolutionary Epistemology combines both approaches and applies them to biological theories that are currently classified as belonging to an Extended Synthesis.

We want to develop universal heuristics of all know evolutionary mechanisms, identify the universal units whereupon and the levels whereat these evolutionary mechanisms are active, and investigate how these units and levels form nested hierarchies. Such a unified approach will enable us to better conceptualize and model biological and sociocultural evolution.

Research at AppEEL therefore focuses on the following themes:

The nature and scope of the Extended Synthesis;

The implementation of the Extended Synthesis into the sociocultural domain;

Conceptualization, quantification and modeling of horizontal and vertical, micro- and macroevolution in biological and sociocultural sciences;

Unification of the evolutionary sciences through the development of shared methodologies.

Our projects include "Implementing the Extended Synthesis in Evolutionary Biology into the Sociocultural Domain" funded by the John Templeton Foundation.

AppEEL is the home of the Springer Book Series Interdisciplinary Evolution Research.



Enquanto isso em Pindorama... Até que a Nomenklatura tupiniquim mostrou ares de liberalidade de fórum ao discutir a Síntese Evolutiva Ampliada no I International Symposium on Evolutionary Biology, realizado em João Pessoa, PB (05 a 08/06/2012), com a palestra "Challenging orthodoxy: Do we need a new or expanded evolutionary synthesis", de Douglas Futuyma (New York State University).

É preciso mais: os estudantes do ensino médio precisam saber sobre as dificuldades  fundamentais da teoria da evolução no contexto de justificação teórica e o que uma nova teoria geral da evolução significa para as especulações transformativas de Darwin.

Todavia, a Nomenklatura científica tupiniquim cerceia o circular e o debater isso, e prefere escrever carta a Presidente da Academia Brasileira de Ciências e é afeita a "estudantadas" de Manifesto...

Isso sim, uma grande piada de mau gosto e que envergonha a ciência brasileira. Ao livre debate de ideias, Srs. !!!