quinta-feira, agosto 09, 2012

A extrema complexidade biológica modular já deveria ter enterrado de vez o materialismo filosófico que posa como se fosse ciência!!!

Science 3 August 2012: 

Vol. 337 no. 6094 pp. 531-532 

DOI: 10.1126/science.1218616



Modular Biological Complexity

Christof Koch

+ Author Affiliations

Allen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, WA 98103, USA, and Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.

E-mail: christofk@alleninstitute.org

It has been argued that the technological capability to fully simulate the human brain on digital computers will exist within a decade. This is taken to imply that we will comprehend its functioning, eliminate all diseases, and “upload” ourselves to computers (1). Although such predictions excite the imagination, they are not based on a sound assessment of the complexity of living systems. Such systems are characterized by large numbers of highly heterogeneous components, be they genes, proteins, or cells. These components interact causally in myriad ways across a very large spectrum of space-time, from nanometers to meters and from microseconds to years. A complete understanding of these systems demands that a large fraction of these interactions be experimentally or computationally probed. This is very difficult.


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Somente  a título de ilustração da extrema complexidade modular encontra nas formas biológicas, postei esta imagem e o que os cientistas disseram:

In biology the control of transmembrane transport is fundamental to functionality. The complexity of biological membranes and the diverse coupling of interactions, however, make direct investigations very difficult. Therefore the construction of synthetic artificial model membranes to study systematically their physical and chemical characteristics, and to find out how membrane functions can be modified and tuned, is of fundamental interest. Here we present a novel minimal model system, which allows the uncoupling of all interactions and processes.

From: Karmena Jaskiewicz, Antje Larsen, Ingo Lieberwirth, Kaloian Koynov, Wolfgang Meier, George Fytas, Anja Kroeger, and Katharina Landfester, "Probing Bioinspired Transport of Nanoparticles into Polymersomes", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51, 4613-4617 (2012).


Os cientistas disseram a mesma coisa: very difficult. Está muito mais para design inteligente do que gradualismo darwinista...